For people who want to dive deeper into the lineage and understanding of the Five Elements, I offer a 1:1 In Your Element three-month container to get to know and work alongside your constitutional Element type in Chinese medicine.
Alongside acupuncture treatment, each session will offer guidance on how:
To recognise how the Five Elements - Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water -
nature’s complete cycle in Chinese medicine, mirror in each of us, resonate,
move and manifest uniquely within us.
To understand what our primary, constitutional Element imbalance is, and
reasons as to why you may experience recurrent emotional states and
physical symptoms, as a result.
To recalibrate when our Element type, our constitutional Element, is out of
balance which consequently often becomes the underlying disturbance in the
mind and body.
To nurture our primary Element with thought-enhancing practices to bring
long-term ease and wellness.
To optimise cyclical living and living in alignment with nature’s seasons and
To self-care through personalised movement, nutrition, lifestyle choices,
emotional awareness and self-reflection to best suit our Element type.
To confront and navigate through life’s challenges and difficulties and create
and practise strategies to grow and transform.