1. What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture works to help maintain your body’s physical and emotional equilibrium. It involves the use of very fine needles into specific acupuncture points on the body to regulate the flow of Qi and strengthen Qi, our body’s life force or vital energy. Strong and vital energy is dependent on how well we fight off infection, take sufficient strength from our food and whether we have enough energy to participate in a happy and well-rounded lifestyle.
2. Are the needles reused?
No. The needles are single-use, sterile, disposable needles.
3. What does it feel like? Does it hurt?
Although acupuncture does not hurt, there is some sensation associated with it. The needles are so fine that there is usually little or no discomfort upon insertion. Once the acupuncture point is arrived at, most people experience what they describe as a tingling sensation or a dull ache. This often leaves people feeling very relaxed and at ease for the duration of treatment.
4. Are there any side effects?
Although every individual can react differently to treatment, acupuncture is a very safe treatment modality with very few side effects: Mild pain where the needles insert into the skin, slight bruising where the needles insert into the skin, mild tiredness, slight nausea. Any side effects that do occur are usually mild and self-correcting.
After having acupuncture for the first time it is quite common to feel a little tired or light-headed directly after treatment. This is a perfectly normal treatment reaction and it is nothing to be concerned about.
It is best to stay hydrated with water and refrain from vigorous activity and alcohol for several hours post-treatment.
5. What should I expect?
A diagnosis is based upon a full case history and so your first consultation and treatment will last 90 minutes.
You will be asked about your current symptoms, treatment you have already received, details of your medical history, diet, digestion, sleeping patterns, emotional state and what you would like to achieve from treatment.
Subsequent treatments are up to an hour and are all uniquely tailored to you and your response to previous treatment.
During treatment needles are inserted either for a second or two or left in place for up to 20 minutes depending on the desired effect.
6. How many treatments will I need?
Response to treatment can differ considerably from person to person, as treatment is aimed at the root of the condition and not just addressing the main symptoms.
Most individuals experience significant changes after just a few treatments, with many experiencing these changes almost immediately, especially from acute conditions. Long-term or more complex conditions may require more treatment over a longer period.
As a guideline, four to six treatments is advised and progress is regularly reviewed.
7. How frequently should I come?
Initially, I like to see people on a weekly or a fortnightly basis. The response to treatment is usually cumulative. As the feeling of wellbeing is enhanced and symptoms improve, expect the gaps between treatments to extend until they reach an ideal end goal of five times per year for seasonal tune-ups and maintenance.
8. How much does it cost?
The initial 90 minute consultation costs £295. Follow up appointments last 60 minutes and cost £195.
9. Will my private health insurance cover it?
Each insurance company and policy is different. The British Acupuncture Council lists all private health insurers that offer some form of insurance cover for acupuncture treatment.